
From Your 20/20 Vision to Your 2020 Purpose

Hip hip hooray! ... It's 2020! ... It's time for you to start fresh! To make resolutions! Your energy level is at its highest right now! ... Are you ready to go full speed ahead with your dreams? Before you do, stop and make sure you have 20/20 vision! .. Recently, I went to the eye doctor for a check up, and to purchase a new pair of glasses! (I broke the old ones a couple of months ago) ... Although I carried on throughout my daily life without them, I felt the strain it was making to my eyes. I also realized how unfocused I was, not only in my sight, but in different areas of my life. It was a problem performing simple tasks! Finally, I bit the bullet, and went to the eye doctor, and purchased a new pair of glasses! ... It's amazing how much clearer I could see now. Putting on my new pair of glasses, corrected the problems that was affecting my sight, and it gave me 20/20 vision to see all the details I was missing. Not only I was seeing clearer but I realize...

From Side Hustle to Boujie Events

From Side Hustle to Boujie Events: How to pay for your activities! Photo by  Sharon McCutcheon  on  Unsplash Hey guys! ... So you want to plan your own 'Boujie on a Budget' event for your closest friends. You've already, used our free guide to outline the basics of what you want to do, but you realized that your wallet is looking a little 'short' this month, and you could really use a couple of dollars to get you started.  Don't know where the money is coming from?  Have you considered a 'side hustle'! Yup! I said it! A side hustle! ... But not just any old side hustle, but one you actually might enjoy doing! Now you might be thinking, how can a side hustle be enjoyable?  Well the best way to enjoy your 'hustle' is to find one based on things you enjoy doing. Here is a simple step by step guideline to get you started, in helping you figure out a side hustle you might enjoy. Step 1: Think of...

Trap and Paint (on a Budget)

Trap N Paint (On a Budget) Let me confess upfront: "I don't know what I am doing!" I am not a professional event planner. I am just a simple woman, who likes to try new things with my friends, and I usually do it within a budget of some sort. (Whew! ... Now, I feel better! I'm glad I got that off my chest!) A lot of the 'events' that I plan, are for my inner circle of friends. Those special women in my life, that are very 'forgiving' of my short comings! They indulged that side of me that like to 'try' different things! That being said, I should also tell you, that I don't normally tell them 'what' we would be doing at one of my events! I keep everything a secret. ... So they are constantly surprise at the outcome! 😁 January's "Boujie on a Budget" event ... is none other than ... Trap and Paint! (Trap N' Paint) A little over year ago, I was on Facebook, when I came across a video of ...