From Your 20/20 Vision to Your 2020 Purpose
Before you do, stop and make sure you have 20/20 vision! .. Recently, I went to the eye doctor for a check up, and to purchase a new pair of glasses! (I broke the old ones a couple of months ago) ... Although I carried on throughout my daily life without them, I felt the strain it was making to my eyes. I also realized how unfocused I was, not only in my sight, but in different areas of my life. It was a problem performing simple tasks! Finally, I bit the bullet, and went to the eye doctor, and purchased a new pair of glasses! ... It's amazing how much clearer I could see now. Putting on my new pair of glasses, corrected the problems that was affecting my sight, and it gave me 20/20 vision to see all the details I was missing. Not only I was seeing clearer but I realize that I was able to accomplish more things! I was no longer wasting time struggling trying to see people and things, or unable to finish simple tasks because of my lack of sight. Now I am rolling full speed ahead, and I am getting a lot of things done!
This year, it my wish for you to get a clear 20/20 vision of your goals and dreams. Put on your vision glasses to see clearer than you've ever seen before, and plan the life you want! .. List your goals! Break them down into smaller pieces! Take it one step at a time! ... You will be surprised how much you are able to accomplish, and how fast! ... Most importantly, you will be consistent in accomplishing your goals! Consistency is key! .. There may be times when you want to slack off, or 'life gets in the way' ... But you must push through and keep going because at the end of it you would have accomplished what you have set out to do! There are things you want to do in your life. You have Purpose!
Get your 20/20 Vision for your life today! ... Focus on your dreams! Plan how you will accomplish it! Take action, and never stop doing something to achieve your goals! Enjoy the life you are creating for yourself! ....... See it! Plan it! Move it! Live it!
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